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Show information about author box

NB: Information about author box is available only with Attesa PRO plugin.

This option shows a box below each post containing information about the author of the post (name, image, description and social links).

To activate this box, go to your WordPress Dashboard under “Appearance-> Customize-> Attesa Theme Options-> Posts and pages settings“, go in the “Single blog posts” section and find the option called “Show information about author box“.
Here you can also choose the text before the author name (example: About author).

To set the information to show for each individual author (name, description and social links), go to your WordPress Dashboard under “Users-> Your Profile” and fill in the information you find in the “Contact Info” and “About Yourself” sections.

You can choose the name to show in the box, insert your social links and insert a short biographical description.

The profile picture is linked to the email you are using. So to change the image you will have to use Gravatar.